Advanced March Mode

In the Instance settings, there is an option to enable "Advanced March Mode" for that instance.

This makes some very important changes to the way marches are determined to be in use. It is recommended that you get to know the standard mode before enabling this option so you understand the changes that are made by enabling Advanced Mode..

As explained above, marches are available according to the number of marches of each type you have. This means that sometimes you have a march that is apparently available but is really not because the troops in it, are already in use by another march.  Advanced mode checks for the actual troops in each march and only considers a march as available if you have enough troops to fill it.

In order to calculate remaining troops, Ragebot needs to know how many of each you have. To count your troops, use the Troop Count routine from the On-Demand menu. This is the same routine that runs as part of the Preset Designer and you can input or edit your troops there manually if you prefer. Make sure you set the correct Culture in the Instance Settings before counting so that Ragebot knows which troops to look for.

Once enabled, the March Designer will present slightly different options.

The "Marches Available" option will be gone as the calculation will be based on troops rather than how many times you say you can fill a march.

Preset marches will now have the ability to set generals and troops. 

Note that this is for the purposes of counting the troops and determining the general only. Troops will not be chosen based on what you enter here as they are already chosen by the preset. 

The troops and General selected in this march should match your preset exactly.

When Ragebot wants to know if a march is free, it will retrieve the troop count from the data acquired by the Troop Count routine.For each march in the internal "busy" cache, it will reduce that troop count by whatever troop count is in the cached march. It will do this for each tier and type of troop.  If at the end of this process, you still have enough troops left over to fill the march we are checking, that march is "available". If you run out of troops during the check, the march is busy.

You must also have the general available.  For this reason, when using Advanced March Mode, if you are using the same general more than once, add each general to the march.  You can add individually numbered generals or all of the identical generals can be the "Any" type.  Once all generals are busy, the march can no longer be reused.

Simple Example:

You have trained 800,000 T14 Mounted troops.

March A uses 750,000 T14 Mounted troops.

March B uses 375,000 T14 Mounted Troops.

March B has been sent out on a rally.

March A is now unavailable as you have only 50,000 troops free and cannot fill March A again.

March B is available because you still have 425,000 troops at home and only need 375,000 to fill the march again.

Please check out he March Simulator for a further example.