If the Java and/or Android environment variables already exist then it will try to use the files that are pointed to by them. Unfortunately, some bots only include a very basic version of the Android SDK and so Ragebot may not work correctly with those versions. Also, uninstalling some other bots has been known to remove the files but leave the variables in place breaking anything that is using them.

If you get connection errors and the errors mention things like ApkSigner or "file not found" etc then try using the Ragebot version of these tools instead.  To do that, follow these steps.

1. As explained here, delete any currently existing environment variables for JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and ANDROID_HOME. 

See here for how to do that


2. Reboot your computer to clear all processes using the old variables. Failing to reboot could cause the old versions to still be used. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT. DO NOT SKIP IT.

3. Start Ragebot Launcher and it will install working copies in C:\ProgramData\Rage Systems

The Java/Android support files installed by Ragebot are simply downloaded and unzipped. Environment variables are then created that point to the folder locations. No installer is run and no registry entries are changed or created. To uninstall, simply delete the folders and variables.