1. Choose your settings in the Viking routine.

2.Create a march to kill them with. This video shows how to create a march that uses a preset to kill some Vikings

3. In the Vikings settings, choose the cache that you want the Vikings to be shared to.  You do not need to leave this routine enabled. 

4. Enable the Start Rallies routine. Choose the same Boss Cache for this routine as you did for the Boss Finder routine.  Set the minimum Bosses Required setting.  This controls how many Bosses need to be in the cache before the Start Rallies routine will run.  If you are killing a small number of bosses or only your own Vikings, choose 1.

When you start the Instance, The Viking routine will summon your Viking and share it to the cache.  The Start Rallies routine will then pick this up from the cache and rally it for you.   Alternatively, enable Direct Rally in the Vikings settings and the kill will begin as soon as the Viking is summoned.